0002896: [Bug] You shouldn't be able to open registration on nodes that are two tier away in the pro console (chenson)
0002850: [Improvement] Highlight Row Differences in Batch Data View (mmichalek)
0002895: [Bug] node_communication and lock tables no longer export in snapshot when NOT in cluster mode (chenson)
0002897: [Task] Don't sync console events (chenson)
0002900: [Improvement] Improve performance of batch data lists by using Grid component instead of table (mmichalek)
0002901: [Bug] Websocket timeouts show up in log files as errors (chenson)
0002906: [Bug] Sql Explorer leaks a connection each time you login and navigate to the sql explorer panel (chenson)
0002907: [Bug] Uninstalling a child node causes null pointer exception (chenson)
0002908: [Bug] Fix layout issues with notice dialog that is used to display batch errors (chenson)
9 issues View Issues