Scheduled For Release 2024-05-15
0006219: [Improvement] Make Sybase ASE triggers use an "insert ... select" statement instead of a cursor
0002655: [Improvement] Parameters and/or programmatic way to control type and size for sym_data, sym_trigger fields
0004951: [Bug] Sybase: drop column needs to add "with no datacopy" clause to succeed (pmarzullo)
0006244: [Improvement] Upgrade H2 library to 2.2 (emiller)
0006351: [Bug] Text and icons disappear in SQL Explorer TreeGrid when switching nodes (emiller)
2 of 5 issue(s) resolved. Progress (40%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-06-14
0006134: [Improvement] DBCompare excluded/included columns require specified names to be lower case
0006248: [Bug] H2 should check if auto increment will work instead of just always using a sequence for autoincrement implementation (pmarzullo)
0006401: [Bug] Issue with file sync when successful, retry is tried even when bean shell script is successful (pmarzullo)
0006394: [Bug] When building DDL for SQL Server, default values of 'true' or null for bit columns get changed to 0 (emiller)
2 of 4 issue(s) resolved. Progress (50%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-06-14
0006103: [Bug] Unregistration of client node at server node causes cleanup problems and registration problems when running with multiple queues (pmarzullo)
0006107: [Bug] Restart of instance creates USE_CHANGED_DATA/NEWER_WINS batches even when (pmarzullo)
0006400: [Bug] Issue with file sync when successful, retry is tried even when bean shell script is successful (pmarzullo)
0006393: [Bug] When building DDL for SQL Server, default values of 'true' or null for bit columns get changed to 0 (emiller)
2 of 4 issue(s) resolved. Progress (50%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-05-15
0006262: [Improvement] Adding a Node Description
0005506: [Bug] Remove productionMode context parameter in web.xml (pmarzullo)
0006234: [New Feature] Web console logins with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (jvanmeter)
0 of 3 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-06-14
0002448: [Improvement] When configuring triggers in pro, detect fk dependencies and prompt the user if they want to sync
0006116: [Bug] Creating node using import configuration does not keep the non-default values for the default channels (pmarzullo)
0006135: [New Feature] Add Parameters as replacement tokens in Notification templates (pmarzullo)
0006405: [Improvement] On the Manage Nodes screen, move the Sync URL column's copy button to the left of the text (emiller)
0006403: [Bug] Transform column editor on Configure Transforms screen can get into a state where a column cannot be deselected (emiller)
0006399: [Improvement] Auto Create Transforms dialog should notify the user if it fails to auto create column mappings (emiller)
0006396: [Improvement] Move bulk loader parameters from symmetric-ds to symmetric-pro (emiller)
0006398: [Improvement] Allow multi-line editing of delete first parameter (elong)
0006392: [Improvement] Add parameter to allow null values to remain null when loading into columns with default values using SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0006390: [Bug] Bi-directional log-based intermittent unrouted batches that should have routed (elong)
7 of 10 issue(s) resolved. Progress (70%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-06-14
0006404: [Improvement] On the Manage Nodes screen, move the Sync URL column's copy button to the left of the text (emiller)
0006402: [Bug] Transform column editor on Configure Transforms screen can get into a state where a column cannot be deselected (emiller)
0006397: [Improvement] Auto Create Transforms dialog should notify the user if it fails to auto create column mappings (emiller)
0006395: [Improvement] Move bulk loader parameters from symmetric-ds to symmetric-pro (emiller)
0006391: [Improvement] Add parameter to allow null values to remain null when loading into columns with default values using SQL Server bcp bulk loader (emiller)
0006389: [Bug] Bi-directional log-based intermittent unrouted batches that should have routed (elong)
6 of 6 issue(s) resolved. Progress (100%). View Issues