View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003893SymmetricDSBugpublic2023-09-13 17:25
Reportertoddstoffel Assigned Toelong  
Status closedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.10.0 
Summary0003893: Data replication errors on Text fields (incorrect string value) using UTF8MB4
DescriptionWe are trying to replicate data from Oracle to MariaDB 10.3

Data is replicated into VARCHAR fields that use UTF8MB4 character set without issue. However, that same process fails on TEXT fields. We receive errors about data truncation as though SymmetricDS/JDBC is throwing out the 4th bit.
Steps To ReproduceReplicate data on a text column onto a target that is using UTF8MB4 character set and collation.
Tagscharacter encoding, dialect: mysql/mariadb



2019-03-27 08:49

reporter   ~0001401

4 byte characters truncated to 3 byte which throws an SQL error.

The outgoing batch 1-1158501 failed: [22007,1366] (conn=96279) Incorrect string value: '\x96\x98\x9Cr\x18\x99...' for column `schema`.`table`.`example_field` at row 1


2022-08-02 17:53

developer   ~0002136

This looks like an Oracle database with cp1252 character set. The Oracle JDBC driver does not correctly translate cp1252 characters 8A-9F to Java's UTF-8 as required by the JDBC specification. I had to write a custom filter to convert those characters. Oracle needs to fix their driver.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-03-27 08:39 toddstoffel New Issue
2019-03-27 08:49 toddstoffel Note Added: 0001401
2019-04-25 19:55 elong Tag Attached: data type
2019-04-25 19:55 elong Tag Attached: dialect: mysql/mariadb
2019-04-25 19:56 elong Tag Attached: charset
2019-04-25 19:57 admin Tag Renamed charset => character encoding
2019-04-25 19:57 elong Tag Detached: data type
2019-04-26 17:21 elong Summary Data replication errors on Text fields using UTF8MB4 => Data replication errors on Text fields (data truncation) using UTF8MB4
2019-04-26 17:22 elong Summary Data replication errors on Text fields (data truncation) using UTF8MB4 => Data replication errors on Text fields (incorrect string value) using UTF8MB4
2022-08-02 17:53 elong Assigned To => elong
2022-08-02 17:53 elong Status new => feedback
2022-08-02 17:53 elong Note Added: 0002136
2023-09-13 17:25 emiller Status feedback => closed