View Revisions: Issue #1716

Summary 0001716: Conflict detect collision of primary key and/or unique key
Revision 2014-05-09 12:45 by
Description There is a use case, where next to the primary key another table column has to be unique at the replication tagret (eg. a unique secondary key). A collision of an insert into the target table with a non-existing PK and an already existing SK is not possible to detect.

Actual detect_types use always the primary key to detect collsions. Except from USE_OLD_DATA but this one compares the whole data row.

Maybe a detect_type "USE_CUSTOM_COL" would be great to detect confilcts at custom table columns (independant from PK).
Revision 2022-08-05 19:55 by elong
Description There is a use case, where next to the primary key another table column has to be unique at the replication target (eg. a unique secondary key). A collision of an insert into the target table with a non-existing PK and an already existing SK is not possible to detect.

Actual detect_types use always the primary key to detect collisions. Except from USE_OLD_DATA but this one compares the whole data row.