View Revisions: Issue #4436

Summary 0004436: Unable to handle unknown csv values: ts
Revision 2020-06-22 15:38 by elong
Description A node at version 3.12 will mistakenly send the capture timestamp in the protocol to a node with an earlier version. The source pushing the change will get a warning:

WARN - Expected but did not receive an ack for batch server-5. This could be because the batch is corrupt - removing the batch from staging.

The target receiving the batch will log a warning:

WARN - Found 5 invalid lines that could not be written to a batch
Revision 2020-06-22 18:02 by elong
Description A node at version 3.12 will mistakenly send the capture timestamp in the protocol to a node with an earlier version. The target node loading the change will get warnings for each row:

2020-06-22 13:57:06,828 INFO [server] [DataLoaderService$LoadIntoDatabaseOnArrivalListener$1] [server-dataloader-21] Unable to handle unknown csv values: [ts, -1592848618507]