0002567: [Installation] Postgresql 9.5 / Installation / autocommit parameter (josh-a-hicks)
0002934: [New Feature] Make the dashboard more useful. Allow different quadrants to be configured. (josh-a-hicks)
0003125: [New Feature] Encrypt and/or compress staging (elong)
0003159: [Improvement] Make enabling clustering an option during setup (kstojanovska)
0003160: [Task] Update Doc (jwilmer)
0003195: [Bug] Duplicate External Id Bug (kstojanovska)
0003164: [Improvement] Disallow the use of whitespace, and other URL unfriendly characters in external ids in the node setup wizard. (kstojanovska)
0003111: [Improvement] When running jobs manually, run in the background with a dismissible dialog box (chenson)
0001320: [Improvement] Replace the dashboard graph. (josh-a-hicks)
0002933: [New Feature] Redesign the outgoing and incoming batch screen more useful (maxwellpettit)
10 issues View Issues