Released 2016-10-20
0002857: [Bug] PostgresBulkDatabaseWriter is not preserving spaces (josh-a-hicks)
0002859: [New Feature] Auto resolve foreign key violation by sending missing rows (elong)
0002852: [Improvement] Add batch summary to incoming batches (mmichalek)
0002860: [Improvement] Avoid locks in extract query with dirty reads (elong)
0002865: [Bug] Console event unique key exception on ignore multiple batches (josh-a-hicks)
0002868: [Bug] Fix really bad error message when a transform transforms a table name to a name that doesn't exist and the original name does (chenson)
0002870: [Improvement] Add getEngine(name) to SymmetricWebServer (elong)
0002871: [Bug] Initial loads and reload were not preserving spaces on an empty space field. (josh-a-hicks)
8 issues View Issues