Released 2019-06-25
0003986: [Bug] Firebird mis-identified as DB2 (elong)
0003958: [Improvement] Add table_name variable to subselect router (elong)
0003957: [Bug] Configuration service contains missing sql statement (josh-a-hicks)
0002709: [Bug] documentation for Transforms - incorrect query for SYM_TRANSFORM_TABLE (elong)
0003934: [Improvement] Add simple request/response logging filter for HTTP troubleshooting (mmichalek)
0003927: [Bug] Excessive logging generated by ChannelRouterContext.logStats (3.9) (mmichalek)
0003954: [Bug] BIT from SQLServer comes in as Integer, Postgres needs value converted to String (VARCHAR) to handle it correctly (3.9) (pmarzullo)
7 issues View Issues