0004057: [Improvement] On Load Data Wizard, when selecting all tables individually, treat as selecting all tables on previous screen (JJ_Starrett)
0004036: [Bug] Install directory selection results in duplicate directory name on MacOS (pmarzullo)
0004038: [Bug] Snapshot fails when batch in error (elong)
0004039: [Improvement] Add a confirm password field when setting up the admin user (JJ_Starrett)
0004043: [Bug] Load Data screen does not reflect the fact that a previous load has been cancelled (JJ_Starrett)
0004048: [Bug] Table reload request- routing service can break up table reload requests into multiple load requests (pmarzullo)
0004053: [Bug] Redshift node setup fails on advanced screen if bulk loading is not selected (josh-a-hicks)
0004061: [Improvement] Security, keystore, and cacerts permissions should only allow owner to read/write (pmarzullo)
0004070: [Bug] Outgoing load support for active only checkbox (josh-a-hicks)
9 issues View Issues