Released 2020-08-31
0004498: [Bug] Load Filter wildcard specification does not work when catalog and table are wildcards, and schema is specified (pmarzullo)
0004461: [Bug] Oracle failed to create trigger, identifier is too long (elong)
0004491: [Improvement] Debug logging of node ID and remote address for acknowledgements (elong)
0004495: [Bug] If node registers, immediate pull causes server to indicate that node is not registered (pmarzullo)
0004501: [Bug] RouterService.routeDataForChannel checks incorrect reference for null (pmarzullo)
0004503: [Bug] NodeService needs to be more persistent when looking for authenticated nodes (pmarzullo)
0004505: [Bug] Regression NPE in Oracle, Tibero bulk loader and Hbase, and Mongo data loader factory (elong)
0004515: [Bug] Upgrade Jetty (elong)
8 issues View Issues