Released 2020-08-31
0004497: [Bug] Load Filter wildcard specification does not work when catalog and table are wildcards, and schema is specified (pmarzullo)
0004483: [Bug] Role tables are not filtered for pre-3.9 installations (JJ_Starrett)
0004517: [Bug] Stream to file threshold, Illegal State Exception: There is no content to read. Memory buffer was empty (elong)
0004485: [Improvement] Log file rotation is reversed (elong)
0004484: [Bug] Log exception stack traces after log file rotates (elong)
0004492: [Bug] MySQL before 5.0.32 does not have drop trigger if exists (elong)
0004493: [Bug] Transforms start and end table for each row causing poor performance with bulk data loading (elong)
0004496: [Bug] If node registers, immediate pull causes server to indicate that node is not registered (pmarzullo)
0004502: [Bug] RouterService.routeDataForChannel checks incorrect reference for null (pmarzullo)
0004504: [Bug] NodeService needs to be more persistent when looking for authenticated nodes (pmarzullo)
0004506: [Bug] Regression NPE in Oracle, Tibero bulk loader and Hbase, and Mongo data loader factory (elong)
0004516: [Bug] Upgrade Jetty (elong)
12 issues View Issues