0005087: [Bug] MS log miner permission check failing (elong)
0004994: [Improvement] Performance of sync trigger is very slow in SQL Server while synchronizing large number of triggers (elong)
0005114: [Bug] Initial Load for SQL Server shows completed when data load batches is more than calculated batches (elong)
0005058: [New Feature] Ability to store table stats by DML (josh-a-hicks)
0005065: [Bug] Support for encrypted pem certificates (josh-a-hicks)
0005071: [Bug] Oracle log miner handle multiplexed redo log file (elong)
0005073: [Bug] Table names for databases with empty string ("") default catalogs not present in quick setup wizard table selection screen (rudiejd)
0005083: [Bug] Fix SQLException on Manage Nodes screen (emiller)
0005090: [Bug] Prevent modal when adding more nodes than license allows (elong)
0005103: [Bug] Prevent expired certificates from being imported (elong)
10 issues View Issues