Released 2022-08-30
0004191: [Bug] dbexport: MSSQL geometry -> PGSQL varchar(2147483647); better would be TEXT (emiller)
0005389: [New Feature] Implement conflict_win_count and conflict_lose_count columns in sym_outgoing_batch and sym_incoming_batch (emiller)
0004001: [Bug] Default value being passed as string for MS Sql Server (emiller)
0004090: [Bug] Firebird ddl/schema problem when creating tables and deferring constraints (emiller)
0001282: [Bug] MySQL outputs schema with DEFAULT '0000-00-00' that is not compatible (emiller)
0005385: [Bug] Snapshots do not contain log files when the files are in a non-default location specified in log4j2.xml (emiller)
0000140: [Improvement] Check to see that the SymmetricDS tables are created to use the Innodb storage engine on MySQL. (emiller)
0005393: [Bug] MySqlDdlReader.getTriggers() throws SQLException when MySQL database name contains special character (emiller)
0005421: [Bug] Initial load won't start if registration_enabled is 1 (elong)
0005395: [Bug] H2 database (or load only database) gets alter timestamp(0) every time starting (elong)
0001421: [Bug] DbFill error arithmetic overflow error with money data type (emiller)
0003961: [Bug] Oracle XMLTYPE incorrectly mapped to invalid SQL Type SQLXML in MariaDB (emiller)
0002821: [Bug] dbcompare attempts to insert null into "not null default ..." field (emiller)
0003960: [Bug] NVARCHAR2() maps incorrectly to VARCHAR() when mapping from Oracle to MariaDB (emiller)
0003419: [Bug] MS SQL -> SQLite, don't translate "NEXT VALUE FOR" default value (emiller)
0003964: [Bug] Oracle's REAL datatype should map to DOUBLE in MariaDB, not FLOAT (emiller)
0003965: [Bug] Oracle's LONG type is incorrectly mapped to MariaDB's MEDIUMTEXT. Should be LONGTEXT (emiller)
0003966: [Bug] Oracle's CLOB (and NCLOB) type incorrectly maps to MariaDB's MEDIUMTEXT (emiller)
0003999: [Bug] Unable to translate default column for (new sequentialid()) (very easy fix) (emiller)
0004134: [Bug] DB Compare does not handle Oracle Timestamp with LOCAL time zone columns properly (emiller)
0004217: [Bug] Does not replicate index with upper function on PostgreSQL (emiller)
0005388: [Bug] Initial load delete or truncate with table transform (elong)
0004567: [Bug] sync.table.prefix parameter ignores for sequence in PostgreSQL (emiller)
0004667: [Bug] dbcompare prints each table multiple times (emiller)
0005106: [Bug] The PostgreSQL database cannot be synchronized under the USE_CHANGED_DATA and manual resolution strategy (emiller)
0005406: [Bug] Deleting a trigger doesn't inactivate its sym_trigger_hist entry when auto.sync.triggers.after.config.change=true (emiller)
0005413: [Bug] Bulk loaded flag is not being read from database for incoming and outgoing services (josh-a-hicks)
0005414: [Bug] JDBC Bulk Transactions Fallback While Using PostgreSQL (cquamme)
0005415: [Improvement] Detection of MSSQL Azure Managed Instance (josh-a-hicks)
0005416: [Improvement] Allow users to disable spatial data type support functions (josh-a-hicks)
0005417: [Bug] Fix NPE for conflict detection when table does not have a PK and all columns used including those with null values (josh-a-hicks)
0005422: [Task] Update IReloadListener example in user guide (emiller)
0005425: [Bug] Tables not created on reverse initial load (elong)
33 issues View Issues