Released 2022-10-04
0005452: [Improvement] Backup keystore before saving it (elong)
0005438: [Bug] Conflict resolver fails if there are no primary keys on the target and it is set to not use primary keys from source (jvanmeter)
0005457: [Bug] Cannot write to more than one Kafka instance in a single instance of SymmetricDS (jvanmeter)
0005485: [Improvement] Ignore missing tables on config channel (elong)
0005488: [Improvement] Support snapshot fixes (elong)
0005491: [Improvement] Table reload request with "where" keyword gets error (elong)
0005494: [Bug] Batch error missing method sendMissingForeignKeyRowsForLoad (elong)
0005500: [Bug] Registration left pending when client is 3.12 or newer and server is 3.11 or older (elong)
8 issues View Issues