Released 2018-03-12
0003478: [Bug] Sync triggers in MySQL will fail if there is an active trigger history record but the table was removed manually (josh-a-hicks)
0003430: [Bug] Service wrapper should verify and kill abandoned processes (elong)
0002190: [Bug] PID file is not cleaned up on startup (elong)
0002280: [Improvement] Service stops working after upgrading Java (elong)
0003431: [Improvement] Recovery options for service wrapper (elong)
0003432: [Improvement] Change default start type of windows service to automatic (delayed) (elong)
0003435: [Bug] Error during sync triggers can result in dropping triggers (elong)
0003440: [Improvement] Warning in Java 9 illegal reflective access (elong)
0003441: [Improvement] Update the PostgreSQL JDBC driver. (kstojanovska)
0003444: [Bug] Delaying triggers until after initial load when auto creating tables (elong)
0003445: [Bug] Batch extract locks aren't released when "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Had trouble renaming file." occurs. (mmichalek)
0003451: [Bug] Prevent registration until sync triggers has run (elong)
0003454: [Bug] Purge of stranded data_events on PostgreSQL is too slow (elong)
0003455: [Bug] Stage management job does not use cluster locks (mmichalek)
0003457: [Bug] Oracle geometry/geography type fails to insert if geometry data > 4k (mmichalek)
0003459: [New Feature] Extension point for registration redirect (elong)
0003462: [Improvement] Adjust default parameter value for dataloader.apply.changes.only (josh-a-hicks)
0003463: [Bug] SyncTrigger via REST call does not return errorcode if trigger creation fails (mmichalek)
0003464: [Improvement] RemoteNodeStatuses actively waits for completeness (mmichalek)
0003465: [Bug] DBFill support for JSON types (josh-a-hicks)
0003466: [Improvement] Upgrade MySQL driver (josh-a-hicks)
0003467: [Bug] DataService insertReloadEvent(TableReloadRequest request, boolean deleteAtClient) fails to route without a channelID (josh-a-hicks)
0003468: [Bug] MySQL does not properly retrieve SYM triggers if they are in a different catalog than the connection catalog (josh-a-hicks)
0003470: [Bug] Table reload request for specific tables causes sync triggers to run (elong)
0003471: [Bug] Transport manager factory not using proper parameter (josh-a-hicks)
0003474: [Bug] java.lang.AbstractMethodError: java/sql/PreparedStatement.setNString (elong)
0003481: [Bug] Postgres create tables with an auto increment column create sequence without respect to schema (josh-a-hicks)
0003484: [Improvement] MySQL tinyint columns can be sent as boolean columns through DDL statements (josh-a-hicks)
28 issues View Issues