Released 2023-12-16
0006130: [Improvement] Too many "Expected but did not receive an ack for batch" (elong)
0006050: [Bug] Sybase ASE result set has already been closed during trigger exists check (elong)
0005930: [Bug] log.slow.sql.threshold.millis and log.sql.parameters.inline parameters do not work and are not documented (emiller)
0005914: [Bug] Cannot Install swaggerui module by using symadmin ModuleManager (pmarzullo)
0005896: [Bug] ValidatorException while validating self-signed X509 certificate (emiller)
0005870: [Improvement] Improve documentation of sym_node_group_link.sync_config_enabled (emiller)
0005852: [Improvement] sym_monitor_event trigger should capture changes when even if auto.sync.configuration=false (emiller)
0005846: [Improvement] Try again when foreign key correction fails (emiller)
8 issues View Issues