0005900: [Improvement] Upgrade BigQuery functionality to work with current BigQuery version (JishLong)
0005924: [Bug] When you select "Sent Data" for an ignored batch it incorrectly says it "Failed to Parse Batch" (cquamme)
0005923: [Bug] Grid on Manage Nodes screen has no items selected but its select all checkbox is not unchecked (emiller)
0005918: [Bug] Cannot rebuild multiple missing triggers via the Rebuild button on the Manage Installed Triggers screen (emiller)
0005911: [Improvement] Add documentation for web console timezone setting (emiller)
0005910: [New Feature] Add option for the web console to display dates and times in the browser's timezone (emiller)
0005908: [Improvement] Improve debug logging for Oracle log miner (emiller)
0005888: [Bug] MSSQL log based support for wildcard triggers (josh-a-hicks)
0005887: [Improvement] Monitor enhancements for centralized support (josh-a-hicks)
0005905: [Improvement] Oracle log miner should reset the SCN when it encounters error ORA-01281 (emiller)
0005902: [Bug] The BCP writer for MsSql is not able to parse db urls with backslashes (cquamme)
0005899: [Bug] FileSync tries to process a file change if the Source Directory doesn't exist on a node in a cluster (jvanmeter)
0005891: [Improvement] Adding "Date Time Format" Option for DbCompare in the UI (cquamme)
0005890: [Improvement] Automatically install azurekv module when adding a new SQL Server Azure node with authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword (emiller)
0005889: [Bug] NullPointerException when saving a new load profile for the first time (emiller)
0005876: [New Feature] Manage Jobs screen with run history and error status (emiller)
0005874: [Bug] Updated Snowflake Builder to handle Bit Type (jvanmeter)
0005881: [Bug] Snowflake DML Statement does not get the column name before trying to convert. (jvanmeter)
0005879: [Improvement] Email validation when configuring new notifications (JishLong)
0005878: [Improvement] Integrity check for high number of unique channel queue names (JishLong)
0005872: [New Feature] Add integrity checks for configuration, heartbeat, and user data loops (emiller)
0005875: [Improvement] Shutdown Hook is causing OutOfMemoryError for some users (cquamme)
0005859: [Bug] Some privileges not getting hidden from UI even when set as "Hidden" (cquamme)
0005866: [Bug] Batch ID in Sync Errors section of Active Errors dialog links to incorrect batch screen (emiller)
0005864: [Improvement] Make it possible to set a monitor's expression via the Configure Monitors screen (emiller)
0005862: [Bug] File Sync Activity Dashboard panel displays activity for all channels when file sync is disabled (emiller)
0005856: [Improvement] "Ignore Row" in Outgoing and Incoming Batch Panels should have an associated permission (cquamme)
0005841: [Improvement] Adding "Wizards" Tab in Console Role Edit Panel (cquamme)
0005844: [Improvement] Vaadin warning in logs about vaadin license checking and live reload not being enabled (pmarzullo)
0005804: [Bug] Deactivated table (dropped trigger) is allowed to be requested for a partial load (pmarzullo)
30 issues View Issues