0006151: [Bug] StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when switching screens when the web console's URL doesn't end with "/app" (emiller)
0006141: [Bug] Postgres log miner parsing exception with NULL value (elong)
0006117: [Bug] Save As Copy in GUI always keeps saved object as selected (pmarzullo)
0006119: [Bug] JsonIOException fails to deserialize log summary event (elong)
0006118: [Bug] The logminer fails to serialize/deserialize timestamps (jvanmeter)
0006113: [Improvement] Add process info to support snapshot (elong)
0006067: [Improvement] Windows service fails to start when desktop is slow to initialize (elong)
0006101: [Improvement] Add more details to the Rest Keys section of the User Guide (emiller)
0006092: [Bug] Add Table(s) Wizard should not specify the catalog/schema name for a new trigger if it is the default catalog/schema (emiller)
0006084: [Bug] ElasticSearch Data Writer should use upsert functionality when updating records (pmarzullo)
0006065: [Improvement] "Open Web Console" button in SymmetricDS Pro Control Center should get the hostname from the host.bind.name property (emiller)
0006062: [Improvement] Add Table(s) Wizard should not query for metadata when filtering table names (emiller)
12 issues View Issues