Released 2024-04-23
0006311: [Bug] Failed to decrypt password counter measure if node registration is already open (elong)
0006323: [Bug] Routing file deletes causes null pointer exception when capturing statistics (pmarzullo)
0006326: [Bug] Spring Framework URL Parsing with Host Validation (part 2) (elong)
0006327: [Bug] Specifying a reload channel ID for the channel_id in sym_table_reload_request results in the load getting stuck (emiller)
0006331: [Improvement] Allow specification of initial load select for initial load of filesync channel (pmarzullo)
0006334: [Bug] File sync batches get synchronized when there is an error during extraction (emiller)
0006341: [Bug] Index out of bounds routing change to sym_node_group_link (elong)
7 issues View Issues