Scheduled For Release 2024-05-15
0006262: [Improvement] Adding a Node Description
0005506: [Bug] Remove productionMode context parameter in web.xml (pmarzullo)
0006234: [New Feature] Web console logins with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (jvanmeter)
0 of 3 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%). View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-05-17
0002448: [Improvement] When configuring triggers in pro, detect fk dependencies and prompt the user if they want to sync
0006116: [Bug] Creating node using import configuration does not keep the non-default values for the default channels (pmarzullo)
0006135: [New Feature] Add Parameters as replacement tokens in Notification templates (pmarzullo)
0006358: [Bug] Filter on Configure Table Triggers screen doesn't work correctly (emiller)
0006348: [Bug] Issue using DbCompare on SQLServer with table names using reserved keywords (elong)
2 of 5 issue(s) resolved. Progress (40%). View Issues